Porque hoje é Sábado ( 8 )
Kennedy Center – Tribute to Tina Turner. Beyonce canta, Tina encanta pela sua eterna juventude.
Etiquetas: música, Sábados, tribute to Tina
puro auto-entretenimento
Etiquetas: música, Sábados, tribute to Tina
Etiquetas: abrupto, bloggers, Odete Santos
Etiquetas: bloggers, ofício diário
Etiquetas: bloggers, Moçambique
Etiquetas: bloggers, ofício diário, poesia
Etiquetas: burros, jacinthe d'eau, mali
Este vídeo é um atestado final à hipocrisia criminosa dos tempos correctos (!!!...) em que vivemos e a prova evidente que o germe da censura e da opressão continua de saúde e recomenda-se, mesmo se dissimulado pelas liberdades e garantias que a civilização ocidental apregoa.
Vale a pena ouvir, sobretudo a reprimenda, no fim, do mexicano Luís Alba, presidente da Comissão dos Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas. Elucidativo mas, sobretudo, preocupante. Já não sei com quem me deva preocupar mais. Se com os que me batem se com os que acham que eu devo apanhar… e, já agora, ler abaixo.
Mr. President,
Six decades ago, in the aftermath of the Nazi horrors, Eleanor Roosevelt, Réné Cassin and other eminent figures gathered here, on the banks of Lake Geneva, to reaffirm the principle of human dignity. They created the Commission on Human Rights. Today, we ask: What has become of their noble dream?
In this session we see the answer. Faced with compelling reports from around the world of torture, persecution, and violence against women, what has the Council pronounced, and what has it decided?
Nothing. Its response has been silence. Its response has been indifference. Its response has been criminal.
One might say, in Harry Truman’s words, that this has become a Do-Nothing, Good-for-Nothing Council.
But that would be inaccurate. This Council has, after all, done something.
It has enacted one resolution after another condemning one single state: Israel. In eight pronouncements—and there will be three more this session—Hamas and Hezbollah have been granted impunity. The entire rest of the world—millions upon millions of victims, in 191 countries—continue to go ignored.
So yes, this Council is doing something. And the Middle East dictators who orchestrate this campaign will tell you it is a very good thing. That they seek to protect human rights, Palestinian rights.
So too, the racist murderers and rapists of Darfur women tell us they care about the rights of Palestinian women; the occupiers of Tibet care about the occupied; and the butchers of Muslims in Chechnya care about Muslims.
But do these self-proclaimed defenders truly care about Palestinian rights?
Let us consider the past few months. More than 130 Palestinians were killed by Palestinian forces. This is three times the combined total that were the pretext for calling special sessions in July and November. Yet the champions of Palestinian rights—Ahmadinejad, Assad, Khaddafi, John Dugard—they say nothing. Little 3-year-old boy Salam Balousha and his two brothers were murdered in their car by Prime Minister Haniyeh’s troops. Why has this Council chosen silence?
Because Israel could not be blamed. Because, in truth, the dictators who run this Council couldn’t care less about Palestinians, or about any human rights.
They seek to demonize Israeli democracy, to delegitimize the Jewish state, to scapegoat the Jewish people. They also seek something else: to distort and pervert the very language and idea of human rights.
You ask: What has become of the founders’ dream? With terrible lies and moral inversion, it is being turned into a nightmare.
Thank you, Mr. President.
For the first time in this session I will not express thanks for that statement. I shall point out to the distinguished representative of the organization that just spoke, the distinguished representative of United Nations Watch, if you'd kindly listen to me. I am sorry that I'm not in a position to thank you for your statement. I should mention that I will not tolerate any similar statements in the Council. The way in which members of this Council were referred to, and indeed the way in which the council itself was referred to, all of this is inadmissible. In the memory of the persons that you referred to, founders of the Human Rights Commission, and for the good of human rights, I would urge you in any future statements to observe some minimum proper conduct and language. Otherwise, any statement you make in similar tones to those used today will be taken out of the records.
Etiquetas: bloggers, Grandes Portugueses, tv
Para quem conhece a cidade: Vídeo feito da partir de um prédio da 24 de Julho. Em primeiro plano, aquele prédio muito alto que faz esquina na Eduardo Mondlane com a Armando Tivane. O vídeo é feito na direcção das Mahotas, apontando para a Costa do Sol.
Via Global Voices
Etiquetas: explosão do paiol, Maputo
Etiquetas: Cat Magellan, Gente fina é outra coisa
Etiquetas: Grandes Portugueses, Odete Santos, tv
Por mais de uma vez me “acusaram” de ser evidente que só gosto de música anglo-saxónica. Mentira. Aqui fica uma canção recente, em duo de dois dos meus (poucos) favoritos do produto nacional.
E bom fim de semana para todos.
Etiquetas: Francisco Anacleto, me worry?
Etiquetas: me worry?, Mesquita Machado
Etiquetas: explosão paiol, Maputo
Uma performance inesquecível de Jammie Cullum, no barroco de Blenheim Palace como cenário ideal para uma das mais extraordinárias canções de sempre de Dinah Washington. Verão de 2004.
Para a festa da música do Geração Rasca, com um abraço.
Etiquetas: déja vu, política, Ségolène Royal, socialismo
Etiquetas: ditadorzinhos, me worry?, política
Etiquetas: esquerda revolucionária, Isabel do Carmo, obesidade
Etiquetas: Andreia Elizabete, espaços irrespiráveis, me worry?
Etiquetas: mulheres, produtos biológicos, vida
Etiquetas: Audrey Hepburn, pescoços
Etiquetas: poesia
Etiquetas: aquecimento global, povo entretido, vida
Etiquetas: à la PS, bichas nas finanças, me worry?, propaganda
Etiquetas: lampiões, uma vez sem exemplo
Etiquetas: fluência, me worry?, tv, tv directos
Etiquetas: crianças mártires, criminosos, política, vida
Etiquetas: bebé raptada, culto da personalidade, política
Etiquetas: espumadamente, sitemeter
Etiquetas: vida, violência infantil
Etiquetas: helicópteros, vida
Etiquetas: helicópteros, vida
Etiquetas: charolês, Ségolène Royal, transparência
Etiquetas: política
Etiquetas: estamos condenados, qualidade do espermatozóide
Etiquetas: Cinema, Deliverance
Etiquetas: convergência, Europa
Etiquetas: flores do deserto, Namaqualand, South Africa, vida