sexta-feira, junho 16, 2017

Bride to be - Bride been


Meus queridos

Hoje é um dia muito importante para vocês e um motivo de grande satisfação para a família em geral e para mim em especial, apesar de não poder estar presente.

Desejo-vos que toda a felicidade que existe no mundo vos acarinhe a cada momento das vossas vidas.

Todo o amor e saudade para vós. Ainda este ano vos verei. Love. Love. Love. Love you.

My beloved children

Today is a big day for both of you. Also it will bring a great deal of happiness to the family in general and for me especially.

I wish you all the happiness that may exist in the whole world and may it embrace you at every moment of your life.

You, Alistair du Toit will now belong unconditionally to the family. Hope you treat and caress the jewel that is now posed on your hands and may you love, care and respect it always.

I will definitely be with you sometime this year and we will have a non-vegan meal in a fantastic place.

Love you both. All the best. Be HAPPY.

Bride to be

Bride been...

