sábado, agosto 14, 2004

Tribute to Francisca

A close friend of mine has been of tremendous help by teaching me how to correct typing errors, when posting... I’m only too glad to see that it’s never too late to learn. And I must say it was easy. After two hours and 34 phone calls, there we are! From now on, I promise that all my posts will be neat, clean and correct, irrespectively of its contents. The reason why this tribute is written in English is due to the fact that she’s asked me to teach her how to say tribute in English... Bless you, Francisca and get well soon!


At 9:59 da tarde, Blogger Francisca disse...

Pois...estou sem palavras perante este imérito "tribute".
Agora é preciso fazer as linkagens (como é que se escreve linkagens em inglês?)mas isso é de somenos porque eu e os amigos do blog seremos mais do que felizes em dar umas dicas, que este solilóquio tem que acabar.


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