terça-feira, julho 11, 2006

Entretenimento em estado puro...


… é o que se consegue com a atordoante Jennifer Aniston (ainda não percebi Brad Pitt dropping this "state of art woman" para levar Angelina Jolie para Gaberone ter um filho, mas cada um sabe de si…) e o impagável Vince Vaughn na comédia romântica The Break-Up (Separados de Fresco). Por isso só cheguei agora a casa e vim a pensar que às vezes parece fácil fazer filmes. Basta sermos nós, ter um bocadinho de graça e saber falar. O filme é uma delícia, quase tão delícia como Jennifer e Vince tem cada vez mais graça.

Dois excertos de diálogo entre os dois:

Gary (Vince): Richard did not kick my ass, what Richard did was attack me while I was half asleep.

Brooke(Jennifer): Really? Is that how you see it?

Gary: Theres a really big gap between getting your ass kicked, and having a dancing, singing sprite fool you with trickery, and then strike your throat before you know that you're even in the fight. But I wouldnt expect someone like you to understand that, because all you do is make moves from up in your ivory tower.

... ... ...

Brooke (desculpando o procedimento errático de uma irmã): She's been through a lot
...of dick


At 7:33 da tarde, Blogger Nelson Reprezas disse...

Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.

At 7:35 da tarde, Blogger Nelson Reprezas disse...

Dear Jennifer

Apologies are made for this comment deserted post but notwithstanding the fact that my friends are smart and brilliant commentators, they are mostly women. This may actually explain the situation and I have to check whether my assumption is right or whether this is just a coincidence. In either case I take this initiative as compulsory, in view of the quality of your last movie and your smashing performance. Once I have a conclusion about this "silent situation" I will only be too glad to contact you in due course and explain whatever the reasons are. As far as I'm concerned it may purely be coincidental the fact that I have no comments on this post, on the other hand there is a a distinte possibility that my female friends may think that I'm going on a steady and gradual process of senility and a fine exampe of masculin vanity... who knows?
Please accept my best regards and meanwhile am

Yours truly


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